Every beginning has an And

Something new is beginning today. After a long break and a lot of change in my life I finally took the move to continue my writing journey here. And as you obviously can see: it’s in English. When I started the blog over one year ago, I decided to write it in German, to get the feeling and the practice in a language I am more used to communicate. And as time has passed by, I now take it to the next level and write in English, because I want to.

So every beginning has an end, they say. I can’t even tell you a story about a beginning of something in my life without saying „And … also has happened.“ And for this I want to acknowledge all the people and circumstances in my life, which entered and left me, which I invited, created or forced, an which I let go, abandoned and said goodbye to. I am so grateful to have known, and to know you. I’m so grateful to have shared time with you. I’m so grateful for the joy and the fear, the happiness and the sadness, the power and powerlessness, the calm and the anger, and all the other feelings you brought me. For every moment. Much love to y’all!

And it’s so important to do this, in my opinion! There are rituals in a lot of cultures which are made to celebrate the death of the past and the birth of the future, e.g. initiation rituals. And by writing this post I do a ritual as well. I acknowledge myself for the path I’ve been walking so far. For following through, even in times I felt it would tear me apart. For figuring out a way to keep on going, even if it meant to do something for the worse. For doing it: getting a little bit better every day. One. Step. At. A. Time. Making the decisions. Taking the action. Training, exercising, preparing, planning, executing. I acknowledge myself to have not feared the darkness of uncertainty. I have learned to much, and I am a different man today. Something died, and something was born. My future has just begun.

This is actually essential to me now, I noticed. It almost seems obvious. But it’s not. And it won’t be. For no-one. Ever. Pain is not relative. And growth not certain. Decisions not easy. And life is not serious. Though it seems so quite often. I believe we all can navigate our lives to experience them fully and to our own best. And by bringing us to new heights, we’ll takes other with us, too.

„Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men.“

Lyrics: Les Miserable

I realize how the other posts here are kind of telling the story, of finding new paths, staying on track, making tiny but consistent steps, and so much more. I’ve never thought that I’d look back, read what I’ve written, and be so stunned how the pieces of the puzzles fit together. Even in writing this I have no idea what I’m going to write about in one year time, reflecting of the year passed. But I’m sure of this: I will have made steps, I will have changed, something will have died, and something will have been born. And I’d probably be surprised about what I’ve written during the year.

Now I conclude this post, which seems more like a letter to myself, in saying this: you know you have the power and the optimism and the love! Follow it every day! Follow you faith!
